3 More Things To Stop Doing If You're A Worship Leader
Since yesterday's post spurred some good conversation about worship leading, let's take a look at a few more things you should stop doing if you're a worship leader.
Here are 3 MORE things to stop doing if you're a worship leader:
1 | Speaking in every possible moment
It can feel awkward when you're leading worship and aren't actively doing anything. Maybe there's a short instrumental section leading into the next verse or maybe it's just a transition between songs. So, what feels right in the moment? It feels like you need to fill the space! I mean you're leading people, right? Shouldn't you be doing something at all times?
Well actually no. You shouldn't. Often times, empty space is just as powerful as space that is filled with you speaking. So don't feel like you need to fill every moment while leading worship. Allow people the chance to reflect on what they just sang, digest the truth, and connect with God.
2 | Choosing songs based on what you WANT to sing instead of what your church NEEDS to sing
I know... you're tired of singing Oceans. I hear you... Open The Eyes Of My Heart is basically the grandpa of worship songs. And God forbid your worship leading friends find out that you sang How Great Is Our God this Sunday!
The truth is: it's not about what you want. It's not about the current trends in the worship music industry. At the end of the day, YOU are in the unique position to find out what your church NEEDS TO SING. Not what's popular on the radio. Not what everyone else is doing at their church.
Each church is unique and responds differently. Figure out what your church needs to sing based on what's going on in their lives and lean into that!
3 | Starting your service late
"I know we say we start at 10am but there are only 3 people in the room right now. Let's give people a few more minutes to get in here."
It makes sense in the moment, but that thought process only perpetuates the chronic lateness of your church.
It doesn't respect the time of the people who did show up when they were supposed to. And then, eventually they realize you don't start on time and they start showing up later too!
Start on time every time!
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