3 Things To Stop Doing If You're A Worship Leader
I want to share with you just a few pet peeves of mine in the worship leading space. These aren't necessarily all things that deserve a full post by themselves so I thought I'd quickly bring them to your attention. Take a moment to honestly reflect on these and see if they apply to you.
Here are 3 things to stop doing if you're a worship leader:
1 | Leading every song in your service
If you have a full worship team, you should not be leading every song in your service. Give your TEAM the chance to lead songs. It will build their confidence and set you up in the future for success. (ie. ever wonder why you can never take a Sunday off? Part of it is your pride telling you that you are the only one who is able to lead a song at your church.)
Hear me carefully: You are important but you aren't THAT important. There are other people who God has gifted to serve your church as well. Plus, if you are a pastor, you aren't doing your job in equipping the church to do the works of ministry.
2 | Saying the line in a song before you sing it
This is just a small complaint but you don't need to say the line of a song before you sing it. The words are already up on the screen for your congregation - they know what's coming next.
So, stop wasting those precious moments of space in a song where you could: 1. Craft a meaningful speaking transition or 2. Be silent and let people reflect on what they just sang.
3 | Using the words of a song as your speaking transition
Related to number 2 and speaking transitions: don't use the lyrics of the song you just sang or are about to sing AS your speaking transition.
Example - Reckless Love: God we know that you have been so so good to us and so so kind to us. We thank you for your never ending overwhelming reckless love in our lives.
You can do BETTER!
If you struggle with speaking transitions check out the series going on right now on the LWW YouTube channel!
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.