Christmas Worship | 5 Ways To Engage Irregular Church Attender This Christmas (Video)
Christmas is coming! And you know who is going to be at your Christmas service?...
People who only come to church once or twice a year.
As a leader, you have a decision to make: you can either choose to IGNORE them or ENGAGE them in worship…
3 Questions To Ask Yourself While Leading Worship (Video)
Let's be honest... your mind has wandered once or twice while you're leading worship. We've all been there.
You start singing the second chorus and while the words, "way maker, miracle worker," are coming out of your mouth; you're thinking about what you want to eat for lunch after church.
How To Pray While Leading Worship | 3 Ways Your Private Prayers Affect Your Public Prayers (Video)
Do you ever feel nervous or awkward when you pray while leading worship?
Maybe you've heard other worship leaders pray and you think, "They always seem to know the right thing to pray for and say it in just the right way."
Want to know the secret to being more confident in your public prayers?…
Lead Spontaneous Worship | 5 Ways To Not Lose Your Church (Video)
You're feeling great...
You've created some space between the chorus and bridge of the worship song and you start into some spontaneous worship.
Your eyes are closed and you feel the Spirit moving.
Then, you open your eyes... and what do you see?…
3 Benefits Of Long-Term Worship Set List Planning (Video)
Okay... we've all been there at least once in our worship leading: It's Saturday afternoon (or Sunday morning) and you realize you haven't picked out what songs you're going to lead at church.
Hopefully, after leading worship for a little while, you realize that it's best to plan your set list out a little further in advance than that. And so, you start preparing at the beginning of the week.
But, what if you took it a step further and started planning your set lists for the entire month?…
Worship Leader's Day Off | 5 Tips For A Successful Day Off (Video)
There are so many worship leading responsibilities it can be difficult to take a day off.
But, taking a day off is one of the BEST ways you can make sure you have a sustainable worship ministry…
Corporate Worship Vs Personal Worship | Reclaiming Corporate Worship (Video)
As worship leaders, it's so important for us to understand corporate worship vs personal worship.
Too often in churches on Sunday mornings, believers gather together in the same room and all have individual personal times of worship…
Worship Leader Sunday Morning Routine | 5 Tips For A Better Sunday Morning (Video)
What you do before you head to church on Sunday morning can set the direction of the rest of your day - for better or for worse.
You can do things that set you up for success and make the rest of your day easier OR you can do things that make the rest of your day harder…
3 Simple Ways To Never Improve Your Worship Leading
Here are 3 simple ways to NEVER improve your worship leading…
2 Easy Ways To Lose Your Congregation In Worship
You know the feeling. You head into the 2nd chorus of the song. You finally open your eyes and look at the people you're leading and... all you see are blank stares.
Here are 2 EASY ways to lose your congregation in worship…
My First Week Leading Worship At My New Church | New Worship Leading Job! (Video)
This past week, I started in a new worship leading position at a new church.
I thought it'd be fun to vlog my first week and show you a behind the scenes - week in the life of a worship leader…
3 Worship Leading Mindset Shifts To Improve Your Leading
Sometimes improving your worship leading is less about learning a new skill and more about learning a new way of thinking.
When you shift your mindset - instead of just improving ONE area of worship leading - you improve several areas at once. Every decision you make can be filtered through this new mindset.
The result? Huge improvements in your worship leading simply by THINKING about things differently…
3 Things I'm Focusing On As I Start A New Worship Leading Job
For those of you who didn't hear, I started a new worship leading job last week! You can read more about it in last week's post
Over these past 10 months of not leading worship, I've had a lot of time to reflect. And as I started the journey of getting back into professional ministry (I don't know if I like that term but I don't know what else to call it) - I've thought a lot about what I'd like to do differently in this season of ministry…
Advice For Young Worship Leaders | What I Wish I Knew... (Video)
This is a picture of a young 15 year old Spencer Cormany leading worship.
Last week I went up to my old church camp. It got me thinking about that younger Spencer Cormany... and how little he knew about worship leading.
I thought I knew so much but, 14 years later, I realize that there is still so much more to learn…
2 Worship Leading Realities You Need To Accept
The longer you serve in ministry, the more time false narratives have to develop.
What happens is you exchange what is REAL for what you WISH WAS REAL.
Before you continue reading this post, hear me out: I'm not looking to destroy your worship leading hopes and dreams BUT I am a realist…
5 Tips For Leading Children's Worship (Video)
Leading children in worship can be difficult. It's DIFFERENT than leading in a typical Sunday morning gathering.
If you want to lead worship well, you've got to understand the context that you're leading in…
Your Home Is The Most Powerful Tool In Your Ministry Arsenal
What if I told you that the BEST MINISTRY doesn't happen at your church building? Let me explain.
The longer I'm in ministry the more I see the importance of ministry OUTSIDE of Sunday mornings. And, more specifically, OUTSIDE of a church building.
And I'm not JUST talking about evangelism - of course this applies to that as well. But, ministry outside of the church building is equally as important for the members of your church…
3 Things Worship Leaders Should Do While Their Pastor Is Preaching (Video)
You finish your last song before the message and your pastor walks up on stage. You find your seat in the congregation... now what?
Obviously, you can sit there and listen to your pastor preach along with the rest of your church.
But what if there were other things you could do that would help you lead worship well when you come up to lead that final song or two after your pastor is done?…
3 Secrets To Speaking With Authority While Leading Worship
One of the keys to good speaking transitions while leading worship is speaking with authority.
People want to follow people who have AUTHORITY: the power to influence others because of a recognized knowledge about something.
But all too often we insert milquetoast, formulaic, noncommittal homilies between our worship songs…
The Key To Properly Implementing Worship Leading Tips: Context Is King
Over the past several years, I've put out a lot of information about worship leading. Like 250,000 words and 150+ videos worth of information!
Not only that, you probably follow several other worship leading resources that put out a similar amount of information.
In the sea of information, it can be hard to apply what you learn.
That's where CONTEXT comes into play…