How to lead worship with just an acoustic guitar. (Video)
Do you serve on a small worship team? Maybe it’s just you on Sunday mornings… Or maybe you lead in a small group environment with just an acoustic guitar.
I’ve lead worship with just an acoustic guitar off and on for the past 18 years. Sometimes it was in small churches where I was the only instrument. Other times it was around a campfire. Sometimes it was in small group Bible studies…
Does leading worship hinder your personal worship? (Let's talk) (Video)
“I can’t worship while I lead worship.” Have you ever felt that way before?
When you lead worship, you’ve got a million things on your mind. You’re trying to remember chords and lyrics. You’re thinking about what’s coming up next in the service. You’re worried about the small buzz in the sound system that might be distracting for people…
Why your church doesn’t sing on Sunday. (And how to fix it) (Video)
It’s happened to all of us - you get a few songs into your worship service on Sunday and you look into your congregation and all you see are blank stares.
No one is singing. They’re just standing there.
They might be worshipping in their hearts but they aren’t worshipping with their mouths…
Spurgeon’s advice for dealing with CRITICISM in worship ministry (Video)
Here’s an anonymous comment card Charles Spurgeon once received:
“He remarked on one occasion that I too often quoted the line, ‘nothing in my hands I bring,” and, he added, ‘we are sufficiently informed of the vacuity of your hands.’”
See, you aren’t the only one who receives anonymous criticism in your church! Even Spurgeon was criticized by his congregation members…
Why you never know what to say during worship. (And how to fix it.) (Video)
Ever struggle with knowing what to say between worship songs?
Maybe you know you should say something before you transition to the next song but you don’t even know where to start…
The SIMPLEST way to pray during worship. (Video)
Ever feel like you’re just praying the same thing over and over again during your service?
Or maybe you aren’t comfortable with praying in public so you never lead prayer at all?
As a worship leader, we’re often called upon to lead times of corporate prayer. But a lot of leaders struggle with knowing HOW to pray and WHAT to pray for.
What does “worship in spirit and truth” mean? (John 4:23) (Video)
We must worship in spirit and in truth. How many times have you heard that verse quoted?
If Jesus tells us that is how we MUST worship, then as worship leaders we better know what it means!…
7 mistakes beginner worship leaders make their first time leading worship (Video)
There are 7 mistakes I see beginner worship leaders make over and over again…
In fact, some worship leaders who AREN’T beginners make these mistakes too…
I quit planning songs based on the sermon topic. Here’s why. (Video)
“Plan your setlist based on what your pastor is preaching on.” That’s the advice I USED TO give.
As I’ve grown in my understanding of corporate worship over the past few years, I’ve realized that that’s actually not very good advice…
Find the perfect worship song for any sermon topic. (Video)
I understand the desire to pick a song based on what your pastor is preaching on. In fact, I think it’s a great idea to plan a response song after the sermon that matches what your pastor just preached on.
The thing is: there are 5 places you can go to find songs based on a specific topic. And I get the sense that not many people know about them…
I found instructions for worship from 1761. (Video)
“Sing lustily!”
Those are the interesting instructions I found in a document from 1761 about directions for singing in church.
Can you guess who wrote those words?…
Write A Call To Worship | The Ultimate Guide (Video)
The countdown hits zero and the lights come up. It’s time to welcome your church.
This can be one of the most nerve-wracking times of the service for worship leaders. How do you get things kicked off?…
How I memorize a worship song in 10 minutes or less. (Video)
Do you struggle to memorize worship songs?
I’ve been memorizing worship songs for the past 15 years (mostly because the church I served at didn’t have a confidence monitor).
Over those 15 years, I’ve boiled down the essential steps to memorizing chords to songs…
I’m never nervous to lead worship. Here’s why. (Video)
It’s been 10 years, 3 months, and 2 days since I’ve been nervous to lead worship.
Okay… I just made that number up to get your attention BUT it’s been a really long time since I’ve felt nervous before leading worship…
How to be an anointed worship leader. (Video)
Buzz word alert: Anointed!
We hear this word everywhere in worship circles these days.
“That was such an ANOINTED time of worship.”
“She’s such an ANOINTED worship leader.”…
The Bible verse every worship leader uses WRONG. (Video)
You know my disdain for misquoted Bible verses...
I’ve talked about Psalm 22:3 - you inhabit the praise of your people.
I’ve talked about Matthew 18:20 - where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them…
Quit being AFRAID to speak between worship songs (Do this…) (Video)
I used to be terrified to speak between worship songs.
I saw all of these other worship leaders speaking so eloquently and I thought to myself, “I could never do that… so why even try?”…
I can't believe TOZER said this about worship. (Video)
I've never met a worship leader who doesn't like A. W. Tozer. Many worship leaders quote him all the time.
But I get the feeling that not a lot of worship leaders know what Tozer has said about them…
The Practice Of Worship (Sermon) (Video)
Worship should KILL us.
Those are the words I preached to my church a few weeks ago.
Think about it, a perfect, infinitely, holy God allows miserable sinners to have fellowship with Him. Amazing…
How to speak between worship songs WITHOUT a script. (Video)
Find it hard to speak between songs and have it come out authentically?
Maybe you've finally started incorporating speaking between songs into your worship leading but you're still reading them off a piece of paper.
There's nothing wrong with that when you're first starting out. But what if I told you there was an easy way to memorize your speaking transitions and have them come out naturally (so that you still sound like yourself!)…