I've led worship for 17 years... here's what you need to know. (Video)
I've been leading worship for 17 years. (Yes. The picture in the thumbnail of this video is me. I did indeed have hair at one time.)
Over those 17 years, while I have lost some hair, I have gained some worship leading wisdom.
I compiled some of the most important things I've learned into a single video. This is the advice I would have told my 13 year old self when I first started leading worship…
Reacting to my FIRST video (What To Say Before Leading Worship) (Video)
I made a video 4 years ago about what to say while leading worship - that video now has close to 500,000 views.
The thing is... it was one of the first videos I ever made. And since then I've grown a lot in my understanding of worship leading…
How to lead worship when you're SICK. (Video)
Cold and flu season is upon us and chances are... you might have to lead worship when you're not feeling well.
In fact, that was my case a few weeks ago. I came down with the flu early in the week and by the time Sunday came around I was feeling well enough to lead but still not 100%…
Plan a Gospel-shaped worship service with me! (Video)
Let's plan a gospel-shaped worship service together!
Last week I laid out my case for why I think it's best to order our worship service in the shape of the Gospel. But what does that actually look like?…
A case for Gospel-Shaped worship services. (Video)
What's the SHAPE of your worship service?
Liturgy. Order of worship. Whatever you want to call it. Every church has a SHAPE to their service. They all have a regular way they do things on Sunday mornings.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, their liturgy reveals what they believe about worship…
How is God present in our worship service? (with @heyworshipleader) (Video)
You already know I've been asking the same question to myself over and over again for the past few months: "What is the nature of God's presence in our worship service?"…
I asked myself these 5 questions… it changed everything. (Video)
I've been asking myself a lot of questions about worship leading over the past year...
I'm not talking about questions like: which flannel shirt should I wear to church on Sunday?
I'm talking about FOUNDATIONAL worship leading questions. The kind of questions that don't just change small facets of your worship leading but have huge implications depending on how you answer them…
The real difference between TRADITIONAL and CONTEMPORARY worship. (Video)
Remember the worship wars? Maybe they're still going on in your church...
In the early 2000's, there was a decided shift in the landscape of corporate worship…
The PERFECT worship team workshop in 5 easy steps. (Video)
Ready to run a worship team workshop now that the Fall ministry season is here?
As you know, taking your team to a conference or bringing someone into your church to run a workshop can be expensive. So the next best option is to run a workshop yourself…
What the Bible ACTUALLY says about corporate worship. (Video)
What are we supposed to do when we gather together for worship on Sundays?
While the Bible doesn't give us step-by-step instructions and an order of worship for how to lead a church service, it does specifically tell us WHAT we should be doing when we gather…
New ministry season starting... don't forget THIS! (Video)
September is here which means a new ministry season is upon us!
People are back in their regular routine, things kick back up at church, and... surprise!... you're extremely busy again. (Don't worry! Christmas will be here soon... at least you'll get a break then 🙃)…
This worship leader doesn't use Bethel music! Here's why. (with @heyworshipleader) (Video)
My friend Jimmy Cooper (@heyworshipleader) doesn't use Bethel music at his church. So, I drove all the way to North Carolina to confront him about it...
Who is the church service for: Believers or Unbelievers? (/w @heyworshipleader) (Video)
Who is the church service for? When we lead worship, are we leading believers? Unbelievers?
Both at the same time?…
Worship Leader Interview | The Ultimate Guide! (Video)
Applying for a new worship leading position soon?
I know it can be nerve wracking walking into the interview...
Include more Scripture in worship... the EASY way. (Video)
Want to include more Scripture in your worship leading?
Should you just open up your Bible and read a random verse? Is there a WRONG verse to read at the wrong time?…
The GOSPEL for worship leaders. (Video)
Do you know the Gospel?... Okay... then tell me what it is.
Knowledge of the Gospel is essential to worship leaders…
Is God present in our worship service? (Theological discussion) (Video)
Is God present in our worship service?
There is much talk today about the "presence of God" felt and experienced during our corporate worship gatherings. But what does that phrase "presence of God" actually mean?…
5 ways to NOT start your worship service. (Video)
"God, we welcome you here today... *awkward silence* I mean... we know you're already here but would you come... wait that doesn't make sense... Uh... God, we JUST welcome you here today." (Ah... yes. Adding the word JUST fixes the problem!)
Please don't start your service this way on Sunday…
For discouraged small church worship leaders… (Video)
The average service attendance in Evangelical Protestant churches is 65 people.
The majority of worship leaders serve in SMALL churches. In fact, that is my target audience for the content I make for Leading Worship Well. (worship leaders in churches under 200 people)…
Horrible singer on my team: mute her or kick her off? (Video)
She sounds like a dying cat! I've just been muting her mic..
I constantly hear about situations like that from people who send in their questions for Real Talk…