How I memorize a worship song in 10 minutes or less. (Video)
Do you struggle to memorize worship songs?
I’ve been memorizing worship songs for the past 15 years (mostly because the church I served at didn’t have a confidence monitor).
Over those 15 years, I’ve boiled down the essential steps to memorizing chords to songs…
Better worship song arrangements in 3 easy steps. (Video)
“Eight singers on the stage at the same time all singing melody.”
That phrase perfect describes my early days in worship ministry.
I repeat: we had EIGHT singers on stage who were all singing melody throughout the entire song!…
I’m never nervous to lead worship. Here’s why. (Video)
It’s been 10 years, 3 months, and 2 days since I’ve been nervous to lead worship.
Okay… I just made that number up to get your attention BUT it’s been a really long time since I’ve felt nervous before leading worship…
How to be an anointed worship leader. (Video)
Buzz word alert: Anointed!
We hear this word everywhere in worship circles these days.
“That was such an ANOINTED time of worship.”
“She’s such an ANOINTED worship leader.”…
The Bible verse every worship leader uses WRONG. (Video)
You know my disdain for misquoted Bible verses...
I’ve talked about Psalm 22:3 - you inhabit the praise of your people.
I’ve talked about Matthew 18:20 - where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them…
Quit being AFRAID to speak between worship songs (Do this…) (Video)
I used to be terrified to speak between worship songs.
I saw all of these other worship leaders speaking so eloquently and I thought to myself, “I could never do that… so why even try?”…
Everyone hates my worship team code of conduct. (Video)
Everyone hates my worship team code of conduct.
Well… not everyone. But ever since I shared my code of conduct with the world over 2 years ago, I’ve had quite a few worship leaders tell me how much they dislike it...
I can't believe TOZER said this about worship. (Video)
I've never met a worship leader who doesn't like A. W. Tozer. Many worship leaders quote him all the time.
But I get the feeling that not a lot of worship leaders know what Tozer has said about them…
The Practice Of Worship (Sermon) (Video)
Worship should KILL us.
Those are the words I preached to my church a few weeks ago.
Think about it, a perfect, infinitely, holy God allows miserable sinners to have fellowship with Him. Amazing…
Here's why everyone is quitting your worship team. (How to stop it) (Video)
"I quit my worship team because the leaders were too controlling."
That's a comment I got on one of my videos about why people quit worship teams.
It was disheartening reading through hundreds of comments from people who recently stepped down from their worship teams…
How to speak between worship songs WITHOUT a script. (Video)
Find it hard to speak between songs and have it come out authentically?
Maybe you've finally started incorporating speaking between songs into your worship leading but you're still reading them off a piece of paper.
There's nothing wrong with that when you're first starting out. But what if I told you there was an easy way to memorize your speaking transitions and have them come out naturally (so that you still sound like yourself!)…
Write a worship speaking transition in under 5 minutes. (My method) (Video)
I've got a secret method I use to write worship speaking transitions in 5 minutes or less...
And I'm not talking about tiny, little "Let's stand and worship." speaking transitions. I'm talking about speaking transitions that are filled with Scripture.
I use it pretty much every single time I lead worship…
How I’d Learn To Lead Worship (If I Could Start Over) (Video)
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and start leading worship all over again...
Of course hindsight is 20/20 - but if I knew what I know now about worship leading when I first started, I'd be miles ahead of where I'm currently at.
I made so many mistakes when I first started leading worship and they could have been avoided if someone had just told me what to do…
Your worship team development plan for 2024. (Video)
Do you have a plan to help your team become better at what they do this year?
It's no secret that the start of the new year is the time to refocus. You do it for yourself (you probably have even set some personal goals). Why not do it for your worship ministry?…
5 must-dos for worship leaders in January 2024. (Video)
2024 is almost here and there are some important things you've got to do at the start of the year for your worship ministry.
Don't let January 1st simply come and pass - start the year off strong!…
I read Scripture in my service every week for 9 months. (What I learned.) (Video)
9 months ago I completely changed how I approach leading worship...
The key change for me was understanding that worship is a dialogue - it involves God speaking to us (through His Word) and us responding to Him.
As a result, I started incorporating Scripture every single week into my service. And not just a little bit of Scripture but whole passages of Scripture…
10 worship leading hacks you probably didn’t know (Video)
Do you know what the perfect key for congregational singing is?
How about how to transpose a female led song to a key that works for a male voice?
I've been collecting my best worship leading hacks over the last few months and it's finally time to share them!…
How to read Scripture in public. (Video)
I've heard a lot of boring Scripture readings in my life.
Monotone, uninspired, cookie-cutter passages just thrown into the service in order for someone to say "... I read Scripture today."
I think we can do better. Especially as worship leaders.
Let me teach you how…
The best $20 I’ve ever spent on worship leading. (Video)
Earlier this year I spent $20 on one piece of worship leading gear that changed how I lead forever.
Ever since I got this piece of gear, I have used it every single Sunday. It is always right by my side. I will never lead worship again without it…
Quit OVERCOMPLICATING speaking between worship songs. (Video)
Quit overcomplicating speaking between worship songs.
I remember when I first started leading worship I had absolutely no idea what to say when I led. As a result, I just kept my mouth shut and played some worship songs.
I thought speaking between worship songs was intimidating. It was complicated. It was a mystery that I couldn't figure out…