Worship Leading Tips, Worship Team Leadership Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips, Worship Team Leadership Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

10 Tips For Leading Worship in a Small Church - Live Training with Jake from Churchfront

It seems like most resources that are available online for worship leaders are from large church leaders for people leading in a large church context. This leaves you, the small church worship leader, having to translate the information and adapt it to your own context.

Enter: Churchfront and Leading Worship Well…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Ways to Embrace the Intimacy of Leading Worship in a Small Church

What if you actually embraced one of the unique advantages you have when leading worship in a small church? That advantage is intimacy!

The fact that there are less people and you are in a smaller space means that the environment is instantly more intimate. In fact, this is one of the things that larger churches have to constantly be creative about - how do they create a more intimate environment with larger gatherings?…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

Worship Leaders, What Your Job Is

A few days ago, we talked about 3 things that aren't your job when you lead worship. It turns out that God is the one who is actually responsible for a lot of things during your time of worship. However, at the same time, God has chosen to use you as a way to fulfill his plans. So what are your responsibilities?…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

Worship Leaders, What Your Job Isn't

Have you ever felt unsuccessful after a Sunday morning? Maybe it was because you were trying to fulfill a job that wasn't your responsibility. It's easy to get sucked into the idea that we are the ones that make things happen on Sunday mornings. After all, we're the ones praying the prayers and singing the songs. But what if you stopped trying to fulfill responsibilities that don't belong to you in the first place?…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Things Incorporating Pads Into Your Worship Leading Won't Do

The idea of incorporating pads into your worship leading has really been amped up over the past year. It's treated as a magic bullet. "Just add pads and it'll improve your worship team's sound." While there are major benefits to incorporating pads into your worship leading, there are several things that using them will not do…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Things Incorporating Pads Into Your Worship Leading Will Do

While pads won't help with certain things, they are a valuable tool in worship leading. They have the ability to instantly improve subtle qualities of your bands sound. Keep in mind, they will only support what's already there. But if what's already there is good, they have the ability to improve it…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

How to Run Pads at Your Church - A Simple Set-Up

Pads are an easy way to add a little something extra to your worship team's sound. They are an ethereal base that drones behind what your band is doing. They provide a fuller sound by filling in the frequencies that your band's typical instruments don't fill up.

Pads are great because you can use them in any instrumentation set up - all the way from you leading by yourself with just an acoustic guitar to a full band…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

Worship Leader Accountability Partner

This is Andrew. He's my friend, fellow worship leader, and accountability partner.

I used to work with Andrew and we would eat lunch together every Tuesday and talk about ministry. Once I started my new job as a full-time worship pastor I didn't get to see Andrew as often and I missed our time together. So we made the decision that our relationship was…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

How to Get Unstuck in Your Worship Leading

Have you ever felt like you hit a wall in your worship leading? One of those moments where you just realized you've done the same 10 songs for the past 3 months and haven't introduced anything new. One of those moments where you feel like every song you play is just G, D, Em, C over and over again. How can you break past that point?…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

How to put Worship Songs in a Singable Key

Picking keys for songs can be confusing. Do I just do what feels good for my voice? What if it feels good for my range but the other vocalists can't hit some of the notes? Should I try to put this song in the same key as the one before it so it doesn't interrupt the flow of worship?…

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