3 Ways To Stop Copying Other Worship Leaders And Be Yourself
You see all these worship leaders with fancy haircuts in ripped jeans singing with their counter tenor voices about how worship is the weapon we use to fight our battles and you think to yourself, "is that what a worship leader looks like? Why don't I look and sound like that?"…
How To Make Your Church Stop Engaging In Worship Within The First 5 Minutes Of Your Service
The number 1 thing worship leaders who lead well want is congregational engagement. They just want the people they're leading in worship to be actively engaged.
The problem is it's so easy to lose your influence in helping people engage. And, often times, worship leaders lose that influence within the first 5 minutes of their worship gathering…
How To Transpose Any Worship Song Into Any Key (Video)
In the video, you'll learn the step-by-step process it takes to transpose a worship song into any key that you want. This is the last video in a series we've been working through called the "Nashville Number System For Worship Leaders." So, we will be using the Nashville Number System in the video to transpose. If you don't know the Nashville Number System, don't worry! I've got you covered. Check out the video from a few weeks ago called "How To Use The Nashville Number System For Worship Leaders (With Examples)." Then, check out this week's video!…
3 Reasons To Transpose A Worship Song
Transposing worship songs is an essential skill for worship leaders. Taking a song and changing it from one key to another is something you'll be doing just about every time you lead worship…
3 Tips For Leading Worship For The First Time
So, it's finally time for you to lead worship for the first time? Maybe your youth pastor asked you to lead a song or two at youth group. Maybe the regular worship leader at your church is away this weekend and asked you to fill in. Or maybe you've just felt called to lead for a really long time and now you're finally taking the step of faith to do it. Whatever it is, this first time you lead worship is going to be an amazing experience…
3 Tips For Not Feeling Awkward When You Speak While Leading Worship
Undoubtedly, speaking while leading worship can feel awkward. Especially when you're new to leading worship. Just playing your instrument or singing in front of other people is nerve-wracking enough, but add public speaking on top of that and it gets even more uncomfortable.
How can you overcome those feelings of awkwardness and lead your church with confidence?…
5 Benefits Of Learning The Nashville Number System For Worship Leaders (Video)
In the video, you'll learn 5 specific benefits that learning the Nashville Number System provides you as a worship leader. It really comes in handy time and time again and simplifies the process of so many things in your worship ministry. This week's video will show you some very specific things you can do now that you know the Nashville Number System…
3 Tips For Crafting Better Worship Set Lists
Creating set lists is an essential skill to leading worship. It's the foundation of what you do when you lead. It sets the structure for what is going to happen (of course, God can still choose to work outside of that structure - but God honors our preparation. Especially if he's involved in the process of planning and not JUST when you lead on Sunday)…
3 Steps To Take When Things Go Wrong While Leading Worship
The truth is: If you lead worship for any length of time, you're going to make mistakes. Things aren't always going to go perfectly. Sometimes it'll be your fault. Sometimes it's a tech problem. Usually it's the drummers fault (just kidding). You can't always control what's going to happen BUT you can control how you respond to it…
How To Use The Nashville Number System For Worship Leaders (With Examples) - Video
Have you ever heard of the Nashville Number System? It's a way of writing music that drastically simplifies so many things. It's truly the key to unlocking the next step in your musical journey. And it's specifically beneficial for worship leaders! It will change the way you think about worship music and open so many doors that you hadn't even considered before…
5 Ways To Smoothly Transition Between Worship Songs (Video)
Ever wonder how to transition between worship songs smoothly?
As we grow in our worship leading, we quickly realize that the songs we choose shouldn't be separate moments but, rather, should all work together…
3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Lead Their Church Besides Singing
"Worship is more than singing." We say it all the time. We even believe it. And yet... most of our time as worship leaders is spent preparing for the musical side of leading worship. We spend time listening to new worship songs and deciding which ones would work best in our church. We figure out the best keys for songs and how to transition between them. We practice our instrument (... sometimes). And we get together with the rest of our team to run through the songs we've chosen…
3 Unpopular Opinions About Worship Set Lists
Here are 3 unpopular opinions about worship set lists…
Reclaiming Corporate Worship - How To Teach Your Church
Last week we looked at the idea of reclaiming corporate worship.
The basic idea was that corporate worship has become synonymous with having a personal worship experience in a corporate setting. We get together with other believers in the same space and try to tune them out so that we can have our own experience with God…
Finding The Perfect Key For Your Worship Song | The Complete Process (Video)
Is your church having trouble singing along when you lead worship? That could be for any number of reasons. But, the one reason that is so easy to fix is that you aren't putting your songs in a singable key…
Those Worship People With Nathan Drake From Reawaken Hymns
I just got done having an awesome conversation with Nathan Drake over on the Reawaken Hymns YouTube channel…
Reclaiming Corporate Worship
For some reason, it seems to me, that there has been a growing misunderstanding of corporate worship in the modern church. Corporate worship has become synonymous with having a personal worship experience in a corporate setting…
5 Steps To Lingering In Worship
On Saturday, I challenged you to "linger" in worship. That meant taking time to simply stay in the place you are in instead of rushing from one song to the next to the next.
To LINGER means to stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave. And there really isn't any other place we should be more reluctant to leave than worshiping with our church on Sunday morning…
3 Ways To Make An Old Worship Song Feel New Again
Do you have any songs in your worship team repertoire that are starting to feel like they're getting old? Well, you could just get rid of them and stop doing them. But, you've spent a lot of time teaching your church these songs - they know them - they can sing along easily with them. So, what if, before you cut them from the list, you tried to make them feel new again?…
5 Tips For Musical Transitions Between Worship Songs
When you craft a worship set, it's not about each individual song. It's about how they all work together. It's about having the bigger picture in mind when planning your gatherings. It's not just about song 1, then song 2, and so on. It's about finding a way to make it a cohesive time of worship because that eliminates distractions…