I asked myself these 5 questions… it changed everything. (Video)
I've been asking myself a lot of questions about worship leading over the past year...
I'm not talking about questions like: which flannel shirt should I wear to church on Sunday?
I'm talking about FOUNDATIONAL worship leading questions. The kind of questions that don't just change small facets of your worship leading but have huge implications depending on how you answer them…
The real difference between TRADITIONAL and CONTEMPORARY worship. (Video)
Remember the worship wars? Maybe they're still going on in your church...
In the early 2000's, there was a decided shift in the landscape of corporate worship…
What the Bible ACTUALLY says about corporate worship. (Video)
What are we supposed to do when we gather together for worship on Sundays?
While the Bible doesn't give us step-by-step instructions and an order of worship for how to lead a church service, it does specifically tell us WHAT we should be doing when we gather…
New ministry season starting... don't forget THIS! (Video)
September is here which means a new ministry season is upon us!
People are back in their regular routine, things kick back up at church, and... surprise!... you're extremely busy again. (Don't worry! Christmas will be here soon... at least you'll get a break then 🙃)…
This worship leader doesn't use Bethel music! Here's why. (with @heyworshipleader) (Video)
My friend Jimmy Cooper (@heyworshipleader) doesn't use Bethel music at his church. So, I drove all the way to North Carolina to confront him about it...
Who is the church service for: Believers or Unbelievers? (/w @heyworshipleader) (Video)
Who is the church service for? When we lead worship, are we leading believers? Unbelievers?
Both at the same time?…
Worship Leader Interview | The Ultimate Guide! (Video)
Applying for a new worship leading position soon?
I know it can be nerve wracking walking into the interview...
Include more Scripture in worship... the EASY way. (Video)
Want to include more Scripture in your worship leading?
Should you just open up your Bible and read a random verse? Is there a WRONG verse to read at the wrong time?…
The GOSPEL for worship leaders. (Video)
Do you know the Gospel?... Okay... then tell me what it is.
Knowledge of the Gospel is essential to worship leaders…
Is God present in our worship service? (Theological discussion) (Video)
Is God present in our worship service?
There is much talk today about the "presence of God" felt and experienced during our corporate worship gatherings. But what does that phrase "presence of God" actually mean?…
5 ways to NOT start your worship service. (Video)
"God, we welcome you here today... *awkward silence* I mean... we know you're already here but would you come... wait that doesn't make sense... Uh... God, we JUST welcome you here today." (Ah... yes. Adding the word JUST fixes the problem!)
Please don't start your service this way on Sunday…
For discouraged small church worship leaders… (Video)
The average service attendance in Evangelical Protestant churches is 65 people.
The majority of worship leaders serve in SMALL churches. In fact, that is my target audience for the content I make for Leading Worship Well. (worship leaders in churches under 200 people)…
QUIT introducing new songs without doing this! (Video)
Don't listen to a new song before you introduce it to your church!
Wait... let me correct that: Don't JUST listen to a new song before you introduce it.
There is a danger in only listening to a song before we introduce it to our church…
I wish every worship leader could watch this. (Video)
I wish every worship leader could watch the video I just posted. It would bring so much freedom in how they lead worship.
Do you feel that heavy pressure of having to perform every single Sunday over and over and over again? Then, you wake up on Monday and realize in six short days you have ANOTHER service to plan for. Plus, this time has to be bigger and better than the last one…
God does NOT inhabit our praise. (Video)
Ever heard that "God inhabits the praise of his people?"... well I'm not buying it.
I know I know... the King James Version translation of Psalm 22:3 says God inhabitest the praises of Israel. But I want to suggest that that either 1. isn't a good translation of the verse OR 2. it simply doesn't mean what we think it means.
And, to be honest, it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't understand these 5 words of the Bible. But it HAS become a big deal when we've based our entire understanding of contemporary corporate worship theology on 5 words that don't really mean what we think they mean…
7 Worship Leading Habits That Changed My Sundays (Video)
I asked myself: what are 7 small things I do every week that have a huge impact on how I lead on Sundays?
There are weekly habits that I've implemented over my 17 years of worship leading that have drastically improved how I lead worship.
Want to know what they are?…
The PROBLEM with CONTEMPORARY worship (Video)
We've got to talk: there is a HUGE problem with contemporary worship that nobody is bringing up.
...What did you think of when I made that statement? I bet you instinctively thought I was talking about contemporary worship MUSIC. And that is the biggest evidence for the true problem I'm seeing in the church right now…
What To Say In Worship Leading | A Complete Beginner's Guide (Video)
Don't know what to say while leading worship?
Maybe you just started leading worship. OR you've been leading worship for years and you still start every service by simply saying, "Let's stand and worship together."
You wish you could say something more but you're afraid you'll either say something unbiblical, unintelligible, or you'll end up babbling on and on for way too long…
The BIGGEST mistake worship leaders make. (Video)
I've made a lot of mistakes during my 17 years of worship leading but this one beats them all.
I'm not alone in what I did - I see worship leaders making this same mistake everywhere I look…
C.S. Lewis's advice for speaking between worship songs. (Video)
Have you ever heard C.S. Lewis's advice about speaking between worship songs?
This one powerful quote has changed how I approach answering the question: "What do I say between worship songs?"…