Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

I asked myself these 5 questions… it changed everything. (Video)

I've been asking myself a lot of questions about worship leading over the past year...

I'm not talking about questions like: which flannel shirt should I wear to church on Sunday?

I'm talking about FOUNDATIONAL worship leading questions. The kind of questions that don't just change small facets of your worship leading but have huge implications depending on how you answer them…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

I wish every worship leader could watch this. (Video)

I wish every worship leader could watch the video I just posted. It would bring so much freedom in how they lead worship.

Do you feel that heavy pressure of having to perform every single Sunday over and over and over again? Then, you wake up on Monday and realize in six short days you have ANOTHER service to plan for. Plus, this time has to be bigger and better than the last one…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

God does NOT inhabit our praise. (Video)

Ever heard that "God inhabits the praise of his people?"... well I'm not buying it.

I know I know... the King James Version translation of Psalm 22:3 says God inhabitest the praises of Israel. But I want to suggest that that either 1. isn't a good translation of the verse OR 2. it simply doesn't mean what we think it means.

And, to be honest, it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't understand these 5 words of the Bible. But it HAS become a big deal when we've based our entire understanding of contemporary corporate worship theology on 5 words that don't really mean what we think they mean…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

The PROBLEM with CONTEMPORARY worship (Video)

We've got to talk: there is a HUGE problem with contemporary worship that nobody is bringing up.

...What did you think of when I made that statement? I bet you instinctively thought I was talking about contemporary worship MUSIC. And that is the biggest evidence for the true problem I'm seeing in the church right now…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

What To Say In Worship Leading | A Complete Beginner's Guide (Video)

Don't know what to say while leading worship?

Maybe you just started leading worship. OR you've been leading worship for years and you still start every service by simply saying, "Let's stand and worship together."

You wish you could say something more but you're afraid you'll either say something unbiblical, unintelligible, or you'll end up babbling on and on for way too long…

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