3 Reasons The Songs You Pick Should Connect With Your Pastor's Message
There are essentially 3 things that happen during a worship service: musical worship, prayer, and preaching. You can either treat these 3 things as separate or you can plan them so they work together. Most leaders connect musical worship with prayer AND preaching with prayer but sometimes leaders neglect connecting musical worship with preaching…
5 Keys To Winning With Your Finances As A Worship Pastor
Let's be honest, being in ministry is usually not a high paying job. Because of that, it's super important to handle what money you do make well. That will allow you to take care of your family and yourself while not being a burden on your church.
When you don't handle your finances well, you end up thinking you need way more money to survive than you actually need. That causes you to feel under-payed, undervalued, and, in many cases, pastors leave ministry all together as a result.
That doesn't have to be your story! If you grasp these 5 principles of managing your money well, you will realize that God has provided you with more than enough to not just survive, but thrive when it comes to your finances…
How To Know When It's Time To Move On To Another Church
There was so much practical advice loaded into this 45 minute session and the best part is - we answered your questions! These are struggles you've been dealing with in your specific ministry and there is truly something in here for everyone…
3 Ways To Change Sunday Morning Entertainment Into Worship
The countdown hits zero. The band starts to play. You welcome everyone to church and then head into the first verse. As you look into your worship space as it slowly fills up, you notice that it doesn't seem like people are worshiping. They're just staring at you and the band.
Unless they've been specifically taught the contrary, the average church-goer sees music on Sunday as entertainment. It's a band on stage playing. Their job is to stand and watch and maybe sing along when the band plays their favorite song…
5 Benefits To Failing While Leading Worship
No one gets it right every single time. Ask any worship leader who's been leading for any amount of time and they'll have their share of stories about when they came up short.
You're not always going to remember the words to the song, play the right chord, or start the song in the correct key. Mistakes happen but there are some benefits to failing when you lead worship…
3 Keys To Help You Prioritize Rest In Ministry
Do you prioritize rest in ministry? Or are you constantly working with no end in sight? Burnout is a very real danger in ministry especially in the 21st century where we are more accessible than ever before. At any moment, you could get a call or text or email from someone needing you to do something. This increased connectivity has pushed ministry boundaries to their limit encroaching on a biblical command - rest. It is now more important than ever to prioritize rest…
3 Keys To Explaining The Meaning Behind Worship To Your Church
You've only got a few minutes between songs on Sundays to speak directly to your church. How are you supposed to use that short amount of time to effectively communicate the meaning of worship? Not to mention the average church-goer only attends church 1 week every month…
4 Things To Include In Your Pre-Service Prayer
Most worship teams pray before their service starts. Maybe you are the one praying. What should you be praying for? It can differ from week to week and you don't always need to pray the same thing. Maybe you know a specific story of someone in your church and you want to pray over that. Whatever it is, don't box yourself into the 4 ideas you're about to read but these are a good place to start…
3 Ways To Make Leading Worship More Than A Routine
Have you ever felt the routine of leading worship? You show up for worship rehearsal, come back early on Sunday, pick songs for the next week, and repeat the process all over again. Sunday's here but Sunday's coming. It can seem like a never ending cycle. So how do you break the routine?…
3 Keys To Memorizing Your Music For Worship Leaders
It can be intimidating when you first try to memorize your music. There are definitely things that can go wrong but the positives far outweigh the negatives. Once you start leading worship with your music memorized, you'll realize that you're better at it then you thought - give yourself some credit!…
3 Benefits Of Memorizing Your Music For Worship Leaders
There's no doubt it's difficult to memorize your music. Between chords and lyrics and constantly changing keys it can be hard to remember it all. But it's also hard to do a lot of things when it comes worship leading and just because something is difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't do it…
3 Ways Worship Leaders Disconnect From Their Church
Have you ever felt disconnected from your church when leading worship? Here are 3 ways you might be disconnecting from your church…
3 Things You Should Always Do To Prepare to Lead Worship
Here are three things you should always do to prepare to lead worship…
5 Essentials Of Worship Stage Etiquette
You're up in front of your church leading worship - you know how to play the songs. You know what you're going to say. But what are you supposed to do? Do you just stand there and go through the songs?…
3 Reasons You Should Lead A Small Group If You're A Worship Leader
Maybe it sounds crazy for you to take on MORE responsibility at church. But there are real benefits to serving as a small group leader in your church…
3 Steps To Create Space In Your Worship Set
It's important to create space in your worship sets. This is an often overlooked aspect of leading worship. When many worship leaders start out, their objective is to get from one song to the next as quickly and as smoothly as possible.
The things is: powerful moments can happen in the in-between. When nothing is said and your church is simply allowed to breathe and reflect, God can do amazing things…
3 Reasons Your Church Is Unique
Maybe you've noticed by now, not all churches are the same. What works in one church might not work in another. That doesn't mean the idea isn't valid, it just means it didn't work in that specific context. Hymns work well in some churches, contemporary songs work better in others. Leading with just an acoustic guitar in some church is amazing, a full band works better at another church…
3 Steps To Turn Spectators Into Participants
I recently watched a church's live-stream and, honestly, it felt more like a concert than a worship gathering. The band sounded amazing but they were just heading from one song to the next with no real direction. A transition sounded like "Hey! This next song is called _____!"…
3 Ways To Adapt Songs For Your Church
Believe it or not: you don't have to play worship songs exactly like they sound on the radio. You can adapt them to the specific context you're leading in. In fact, adapting them to your church's unique voice often helps your congregation connect more with them…
3 Reasons Sundays Are Exhausting For Worship Leaders
I'm sure you've realized by now that Sundays can be exhausting.
When I recently asked, "What's your Sunday routine?" Nearly every worship leader concluded their Sunday routine with a nap. And it's true! Leading worship well can be exhausting. Have you ever stopped to ask why?…