Small Church Sound System And Lighting Tour (Video)
Ever feel discouraged when you type in "church sound system" or "church lighting system" on YouTube? You want to see what other people recommend but it seems like everyone's idea of "budget friendly" is not so budget friendly to YOUR church…
What To Say While Leading Worship | Q&A (Video)
Ever wondered what to say while leading worship? Speaking while leading worship can be one of the most nerve-wracking and hardest things to do when you are first starting out (and even after you've been doing it for a while)…
3 Areas To Exercise Prudence In Your Worship Ministry
The book of Proverbs is definitely a call to wisdom but it is also a call to prudence. It is a plea to act with thought of the future. To not just live in the moment, but to consider how your present actions will affect your future. That's not only great advice for your life in general - it's also very applicable to your worship ministry…
3 More Things To Stop Doing If You're A Worship Leader
Since yesterday's post spurred some good conversation about worship leading, let's take a look at a few more things you should stop doing if you're a worship leader…
3 Things To Stop Doing If You're A Worship Leader
I want to share with you just a few pet peeves of mine in the worship leading space. These aren't necessarily all things that deserve a full post by themselves so I thought I'd quickly bring them to your attention. Take a moment to honestly reflect on these and see if they apply to you…
What To Say At The End Of Your Worship Service | 3 Steps To Let People Know Your Service Has Ended (Video)
Ever have one of those awkward moments at the end of your worship service where you finish the last song and pray and YOU KNOW that's the end but it doesn't feel like your church gets the picture? They're just staring at you blankly wondering "Is that it? Or are they still going?" ... "Okayyy.... BYEEE." How do you eliminate that awkward moment?…
3 Things To Do Immediately After Your Worship Service Is Over
You strum the last chord... You say "Amen!"... The lights dim... The house music comes on... Now what? Your worship service has officially ended - what's your job now?…
3 Steps To Avoid Burnout In Worship Ministry
Ever get tired of worship ministry? Maybe you feel like it's just the same thing over and over again. Or maybe you are just physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted. THAT is burnout. Or at least that's what it can look like.
Often times, you don't even see it until you're well within the midst of it. If that's where you are at right now, something needs to change. The systems you currently have in place are not working and you are not setting yourself up for future success. How do you break the cycle?…
3 Practical Ways You Can Follow The Spirit While Leading Worship
If you've been in the worship leading space for any length of time, you've probably heard the phrase "just follow the Spirit." It's spouted by speakers, authors, and is particularly common in online discussions in Facebook groups and forums…
How To Pray During Worship | 3 Tips For Praying While Leading Worship (Video)
Ever hear someone pray and thought to yourself, "I could never pray like that!" Yesterday, we looked at how your private prayers affect your public prayers. Maybe you've started focusing on your private prayers but you want to build your ability to pray publicly even faster…
3 Ways Your Private Prayers Affect Your Public Prayers
Have you ever been to a worship conference or another church and heard another worship leader pray an elegant prayer? And you think to yourself, "Man! I could never pray like that!" Well, first of all, our goal as worship leaders isn't to pray elegant prayers (see Paul's words in 1 Cor 2:1-5). But, chances are, those worship leaders didn't just wake up one day with the ability to pray like that…
3 Truths To Motivate "Stuck" Church Creatives
It's easy to get "stuck" in your creativity. You thought you had the perfect idea but you just can't iron out all the wrinkles. You had the perfect chorus for a song but you're stuck on the second line in the second verse. You've got the general idea for a special element in your service but you can't formulate the details. How do you get unstuck?…
3 Questions To Ask Yourself While You're Leading Worship
You know how you can be leading worship and simultaneously thinking about something completely different? What if you focused those thoughts on answering some questions that will help you lead better? In the process, you'll refocus on the task at hand AND lead worship better…
What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs (Video)
In the video, you'll learn all about what to say between worship songs. In the process, you'll learn 4 questions you can answer to help form your speaking transitions. Use these questions to know what to say between worship songs every single time!…
3 Spots During Your Worship Set To Use A Speaking Transition
Over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, we've started looking at how to speak while you're leading worship. That series continues tomorrow with a new video called "What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs."
So, maybe you're starting to get an understanding of WHAT you should be saying while leading worship. But, there's another question to answer - WHERE should you be speaking?…
Be A Curious Worship Leader
"I wonder what would happen if...?" It's one of the most powerful questions you can ask in your worship leadership. The day you stop asking that question is the day your innovation dies…
3 Tips For Being Authentic When You Speak To Your Church
The beauty of being in the church is that you CAN be yourself - however imperfect you feel - and other people are okay with it (or at least should be).
How's that relate to speaking to your church? It means you don't have to use grandiose language or fancy words to impress people - you can be authentic. How do you do that?…
What To Say Before You Lead Worship | The 4-Step Formula For Welcoming People Into Worship (Video)
Yesterday, we looked at a few things you can do to help people show up to church on time. Now the question is: what do you do now that people are actually in the room when the countdown hits zero? Do you just head into the first song? Do you say the default, "Let's stand and worship." (Anyone else guilty of that or just me?)…
Help! Nobody Shows Up To My Church On Time!
How complicated is your worship ministry? The single greatest thing you can do is embrace simplicity! Filling your ministry with complicated things makes you feel productive but it's actually laziness in disguise. Instead of focusing on one or two big things - you focus on a million little things that don't really push the needle forward…
3 Ways To Embrace Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry
How complicated is your worship ministry? The single greatest thing you can do is embrace simplicity! Filling your ministry with complicated things makes you feel productive but it's actually laziness in disguise. Instead of focusing on one or two big things - you focus on a million little things that don't really push the needle forward…