Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Differences Between A Worship Leader And Your Congregation On Sunday Mornings

All too often, worship leaders enter into their time of congregational worship from their own perspective. The thing is: your time before your Sunday service is quite different from the time your church spends. There are certain things that you do that prepare you for that moment of worship that the people of your church haven't done yet. Keep that in mind as you lead your church and allow it to shape the way you lead them…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

Don't Base Your Worship Song Selection On These 3 Characteristics

There are a lot of ways to decide if you should or should not introduce a song to your church. Singability, clear language, and a direct response to the things happening in the life of your church are just a few. But, there are a few sneaky characteristics of songs that sit in the back of your mind as you plan worship songs. Sometimes these characteristics cause you to not choose certain songs.

The thing is... they aren't legitimate reasons to not introduce a song to your church…

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Worship Leading Tips, Worship Team Leadership Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips, Worship Team Leadership Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Things That Happen When You Misunderstand Your Role As Worship Leader

Do you understand what your responsibilities are as a worship leader? What should you be doing? What's your job?

I'm going to answer those questions tomorrow on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel. "What Is A Worship Leader | The Top 3 Responsibilities Of A Worship Leader" premieres tomorrow at 3:30pm EST. But for now, it's so important that you understand what happens when you don't know what your role as worship leader actually is…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Tips For Leading People You Don't Know In Worship

This weekend I have the opportunity to lead worship at an International Justice Mission Local Prayer Gathering. And it dawned on me that there are going to be a lot of people there that I don't really know. So, I found myself asking the question: how should I lead them differently? Maybe you've been in a similar situation…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

Worship Leaders: What To Do Now That Easter Is Over

You did it! You made it through Easter. And the question is: now what?

In your worship leading journey, there are seasons that you go through. Some are busy... some not as busy. And it's usually this time right after Easter, as schools are starting to let out and you start to transition into summer that there aren't quite as many things to prepare for. So, what should you be doing?…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

You Can Be Excellent With What You Have - Guest Post - Andrea Olson

If you want to be excellent with whatever you have, we must first ask why we pursue excellence?

This is a common question as I travel leading worship and training teams. We want to honor God as we are leading while doing our best. But the reason we pursue excellence isn’t so that people look at us. We do it so people aren’t distracted by us. This is key. Leaders, lay a healthy foundation for your teams. We all need to align in this vision from the beginning…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Ways To Keep Your Eyes Open While Leading Worship

Think about the last time you led worship: what amount of time were your eyes closed and what amount of time were your eyes open?

For most worship leaders, that ratio is 75% closed to 25% open. But, what would happen if you flipped that ratio? What if you were able to keep your eyes open 75% of the time and closed only 25% of the time? This one small change can have a huge impact on how you lead worship…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

How To Take A Day Off The Week Before Easter

Let's face it: next week is going to be crazy! You've got extra services. You've got special elements in those services. There's a lot going on. How could you ever take a day off leading up to Easter? There's too much to do!

But the thing is... you can. Really - you just have to do these 3 things…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Tips For Worship Leaders During The Creative Process

If you're a worship leader, you are probably involved in the creative process at your church. Worship leaders love to create things - from songwriting to set list planning to creating special elements in your services. You might have noticed by now that CREATING things isn't always easy. There's a lot of struggle in the process. There's trial and error but in the end it's worth it. What if there were a few simple things you could do to make the process easier and less stressful?…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Truths About Congregational Engagement For Worship Leaders

Yesterday I asked, "What's the most difficult part of leading worship for you?" There were a lot of good answers but the most common one was congregational engagement. Tons of worship leaders in the Leading Worship Well community are struggling with "getting their congregation to engage during worship." So, if that's something you struggle with as a worship leader, be assured: You are not alone!…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Benefits Of Writing Your Thoughts Down For Worship Leaders

As a worship leader, you probably have a lot of thoughts bouncing around in your head. There are so many different things that you can do and these thoughts pop into your head without any advanced notice. Everything from speaking transitions to song lyrics to prayers to vision for your team - it's easy for those things to stay in your head…

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