The #1 Secret To Praying In Public Without Fear | Tips For Praying While Leading Worship (Video)
Have you ever felt awkward about praying while leading worship? Or maybe you feel uncomfortable?
You hear all of these other worship leaders pray elegant prayers that flow so smoothly and you feel like when you pray in public your words come out in a jumbled mess…
3 Quick Tips To Connect With The People You're Leading In Worship
Here are 3 quick tips to connect with the people you're leading in worship…
3 Steps To Connect With The People You're Leading In Worship
The one thing worship leaders constantly talk about is how they just wish they could "connect" with the people they're leading in worship.
That word "connect" is rather ambiguous. Every worship leader wants it but not many have actually set out to define what it means…
How To Make A KILLER Worship Set List | The 4-Step Process (Video)
it's important to learn how to make a worship set correctly so that, when the time comes, you've got a solid foundation in place and can focus on the other things you need to focus on while leading worship…
3 Ways To Overcome Stage Fright For Worship Leaders
There's no doubt about it: leading worship for the first time (or first 10 times) can be scary.
You are, after all, in front of people and it's nerve-wracking.
What if you mess up? What if you forget the lyrics? What if you end up on @worshipfails?…
4 Ways To Embrace Minimalism In Your Worship Leading
Most people think that minimalism means getting rid of virtually everything you have: trimming your wardrobe down to one outfit, throwing out your TV, and moving into a tiny house…
5 Things To Pray For In Your Pre-Service Prayer (Video)
What do you usually pray for before your worship service? Let us know in the comments below!
That pre-service prayer time can be one of the most powerful moments for you and your team on a Sunday morning…
3 Practical Tips For Leading Spontaneous Worship
Here are 3 practical tips for leading spontaneous worship…
3 Benefits Of Long-Term Worship Set List Planning
Okay... we've all been there at least once in our worship leading: It's Saturday afternoon (or Sunday morning) and you realize you haven't picked out what songs you're going to lead at church…
5 Ways To Eliminate BORING Worship Rehearsals (Video)
Be honest: Are you worship rehearsals boring? Do you just do the same thing every single week?
Don't get me wrong. There's benefit in having a regular routine that you follow at your worship rehearsals. But, every once in a while, it's good to switch things up to keep your team engaged…
3 Common Worship Leading Mistakes To Avoid
Here are 3 common worship leading mistakes to avoid…
5 Worship Ministry Habits To Build This Year (Video)
We're a little bit over a week into 2020 now - what habits have you started to form in your worship ministry?…
3 Keys To Improving Your Worship Speaking Transitions
Here are 3 keys to improving your worship speaking transitions…
3 Secrets About "Not Feeling Good Enough To Lead Worship"
There are going to be times in your worship leading where you don't feel good enough. There are going to be times when you feel like you can't do anything right.
But the truth is: God doesn't want you to feel that way. He wants you to lead with confidence…
5 Worship Ministry Areas To Re-Evaluate This Year (Video)
We're just a few days into 2020 and now is the perfect time to reflect on your worship ministry…
5 Neglected Habits Realized By A Recovering Worship Leader
For those of you that don't know, 2 and a half months ago I resigned from my position as full-time worship pastor at the church I was leading at. And that resignation marked the start of the longest break I've had from leading worship (and leading in a church in general) since I first started 13 years ago…
3 Things Worship Leaders Can Do To Prepare For The New Year
New years are always filled with excitement. The unknown lurks around that switch from your "2019 Cat Calendar" to your "2020 Special Edition Baby Yoda Calendar" that your kids got you for Christmas.
And perhaps that excitement and unknown is present in your worship ministry as well. What will the new year bring?…
Worship Leader, Christmas Is Over. Take Some Time Off... (Video)
Congrats! You made it through Christmas! Now the question is: What do you do now?…
3 Encouragements Before You Lead Worship This Christmas
So close! You've almost made it to Christmas!
Ironically, what's supposed to be one of the happiest times of the year, can quickly become the most chaotic and discouraging - especially for worship leaders. You look at the list of what you feel like you still need to get done before the big day and overwhelm sets in…