5 Things You NEED To Do Before Your Christmas Worship Service (Video)
The time has come! It's finally time for your Christmas worship service (or maybe you have multiple). Maybe you're services start tomorrow or you're preparing for a Christmas Eve service…
3 Quick Reminders For Worship Leaders This Christmas
Only a few more days left until Christmas!
I know things are crazy for you right now. And in the business of all the things you need to get done before this weekend, it's easy to forget a few KEY things this Christmas season…
3 Resources For Your Last Minute Christmas Worship Preparations
It's the final week before Christmas!
Maybe you're stressed out right now. Maybe you feel overwhelmed by the seemingly unending and ever growing list of tasks on your to-do lists and you're not sure how in the world you're going to get them all done before your Christmas service…
What To Say While Leading Christmas Worship | 5 Worship Speaking Transitions For Christmas Songs (Video)
Christmas songs are familiar to the people in your church. They probably grew up singing them. So, they know the classics. And that's a good thing because it means it's easy to pick songs that people are familiar with this Christmas season…
3 Reasons To Not Neglect Rest This Christmas Season
I know how it is. It's the Christmas season and your worship leading life is crazy right now.
There are a hundred and one things that you could be doing to prepare for this Sunday and a million more you could be doing to get ready for your Christmas services. Your to-do list is LONG this time of year!…
5 Traditional Christmas Songs That Are Worship Songs
If there's one thing we can teach the Church about worship this Christmas season, it's that: Christmas songs are worship songs. #christmassongsareworshipsongs…
5 Tips For Preparing For Your Christmas Worship Services (Video)
The Christmas season is upon us! I'm sure you've already started planning and maybe you've even sung a few Christmas songs this past Sunday.
If you want to lead worship well this Christmas, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind as you prepare for your Christmas worship services…
20 Modern Worship Songs For Christmas 2019
Here are 20 modern worship songs you should consider leading this Christmas season…
7 Days To Leading Christmas Worship Well - A FREE Practical Devotional For Worship Leaders
Christmas will be here before you know it! And for many of you, the Christmas season officially started yesterday.
But, where do you start? You've got songs to pick out, volunteers to schedule, special elements to create, and a team to lead through the whole process…
What To Say Between Worship Songs | How To Sound Authentic (Video)
Do you get "worship leader voice" when you start speaking in front of your church while leading worship?…
How Church Culture Affects Congregational Engagement During Worship
"Church culture" - it's sort of a buzz word on the internet these days.
It's that invisible, intangible thing that subconsciously directs the decisions you make and, ultimately, how people respond to things in your church…
What To Play Behind Your Pastor | 5 Tips For Better Talking Music (Video)
Do you play background music behind people while they're speaking during your worship service? Maybe it's behind someone who comes up to give the announcements. Or your pastor when they're preaching. Or just during your speaking transitions while you lead worship…
3 Reasons To Stop Introducing So Many New Worship Songs
It just feels right, doesn't it? To be constantly introducing new songs to your church. At least once a month. For some of us, multiple times a month…
3 Ways To Know If You've Been Called To Full-Time Worship Ministry
It's the big question... Have you been CALLED to full-time worship ministry?
Every year more and more worship leaders WANT to step into full-time worship ministry. But WANTING something and being CALLED to do it are two different things…
30 Days To Leading Worship Well - Available Now!
Listen, I know how it is... you've been leading worship for a while now and it's starting to feel monotonous. You feel like you've just been doing the same thing over and over again. And to be honest, you can't remember the last time you felt a tangible improvement in your worship leading…
3 Truths About Improving Your Worship Leading (Video)
Are you serious about improving your worship leading? I assume you are if you follow people like me who strive to help worship leaders lead worship well. But, if you want to seriously improve, there are a few key things that you need to know or else it's never going to happen…
3 Reasons Your Church Doesn't Engage During Worship
Helping your church engage in worship can be one of the most frustrating/rewarding things for worship leaders. If you are pouring your heart and soul into your preparation and doing everything you can to help people engage in worship and they just stand there and stare, it's frustrating. But, on the other hand, when they finally latch onto where you're leading them, it's the most amazing experience you can have while leading worship…
4 Ways To Improve Your Worship Leading For $0
FREE! There's nothing better than spending $0 and getting results. And, if you're in a church, chances are you've got a limited budget and can't always spend money to improve your worship leading. But the good news is: You don't have to!…
The Top 5 Areas Where Worship Leaders Get Stuck In Their Worship Leading (Video)
It's so easy to get STUCK in your worship leading. Maybe you already feel it - it feels like you've just been doing the same thing over and over again and you notice that you haven't made any real, tangible improvements in your worship leading in a while…
3 Sunday Morning Routines To Start Your Morning Off Right
What you do before you head to church on Sunday morning can set the direction of the rest of your day - for better or for worse. You can do things that set you up for success and make the rest of your day easier. OR you can do things that make the rest of your day harder…