Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Reasons Your Church Isn't Singing (That You Can Fix)

As a church, one of the ways we worship together is through singing. So, it would be nice if everyone was involved in the process.

And there are reasons that we can't control that people don't sing. But, there are a few things you CAN do to make sure that, if people are ready, they're able to sing along and worship with the rest of your church…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

3 Steps To Taking A Day Off The Week Of Easter

Imagine with me for a moment: it's the week leading up to Easter Sunday. What are you doing?

Things are crazy. You're running around trying to get all of those last minute details in place. It's only Monday but it feels like you'll never have enough time to get done everything you need to get done…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

20 Worship Songs For Easter 2020

Easter will be here soon and it's time to start introducing some new songs. Don't wait the week before to introduce a song you plan on doing for Easter. If you teach your church the song in advance, they'll be able to focus less on learning it on Easter Sunday and more on the words they get to sing…

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Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany Worship Leading Tips Leading Worship Well | Spencer Cormany

Worship Set List Planning - "I - We - God Balance"

A couple weeks ago over on the LWW YouTube channel, we took a look at "How To Make A KILLER Worship Set List." If you want to learn the 4-step process to crafting a great worship set, go check that video out.

There are, however, a few more things that are helpful to keep in mind when planning your worship sets…

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