We Are ALL Worship Leaders
If you could only communicate ONE thing to your worship team before they lead this Sunday, what would it be?
For me, it's this: We are ALL worship leaders.
Those five simple words have the ability to change EVERYTHING…
3 Qualities Of A Great Worship Team Leader
On a recent Insta story poll, I asked "Are you a worship TEAM leader?"
Over 90% of the people who answered, answered: "Yes. I lead a worship team."
It got me thinking: what makes a great worship team leader?
Here are 3 qualities of a great worship team leader…
3 Ways To Embrace Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry
Simplicity makes things faster. In the long run, simplicity is cheaper. And simplicity leads to clarity.
What if what you did in your worship ministry could be done faster, for less money, and result in a clearer message? That's the power of embracing SIMPLICITY!…
3 Secrets About "Not Feeling Good Enough" To Lead Worship (Video)
Ever feel like you're not "good enough" to lead worship?
Well, here's a secret: you're not alone!
Every worship leader has felt like they weren't good enough to lead worship at some point in their worship leading career…
3 Worship Leading Phenomena That NEED NOT Be "Supernatural Spontaneous Acts Of God"
I want to be careful with how I phrase this but... sometimes we OVER SPIRITUALIZE things that happen in our worship leading.
Hear me out...
3 Things To Do OUTSIDE Of Sunday Mornings To Improve Your Worship Leading
Everybody wants the QUICK TIP for how to improve their worship leading in the moment.
"What can I do on Sunday mornings to improve?!"
But the truth is, true worship leading improvement happens OUTSIDE of Sunday mornings.
Sunday is only 14% of the week! If you really want to improve, you've got to learn what you can do the other 86% of the time!…
How To Memorize Worship Songs | Chords (Video)
Last week we talked about how to memorize LYRICS of worship songs. But what about memorizing the CHORDS you're supposed to play?
Maybe you've always wanted to memorize your worship music chords but didn't know where to start…
3 Measurable And Controllable Wins For Worship Leaders
Ever had someone ask: "How'd it go today?" after you've led worship?
How do you quantify your response? What defines a "good Sunday" from a "bad Sunday?"…
3 Reminders About Church Attendance During This Season
As church's start to meet in person again, one of the questions worship leaders are wondering to themselves is: "How many people will be there?"
Will people actually show up this Sunday?
And will they come back next Sunday?…
How To Memorize Worship Songs | Lyrics (Video)
Do you have a process for memorizing worship song lyrics?
Memorizing the lyrics to the worship songs you lead on Sunday helps you lead more confidently and connect with the people you're leading (because you aren't staring at a music stand!)
Maybe you've always wanted to memorize your music but didn't know where to start…
5 Things Worship Leaders Need To Do BEFORE Going On Vacation
Don't forget to do these 5 things BEFORE you go on vacation…
3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Make The Most Of The Summer Ministry Season
Summer will officially be here at the end of this week! (At least in the US... sorry Aussies - enjoy your winter!)
For many church leaders that means things slow down a bit as regular church get togethers pause and people go on vacation…
Worship Speaking Transitions: Transitioning From "Me" To "Us"
One mistake worship leaders make when speaking while leading worship is using too much language that focuses on themselves.
It sounds something like this, "I was reading MY Bible yesterday and came across this verse and it really spoke to ME. This is what's going on in MY life. It's awesome how God can speak to ME in MY time of need."…
3 Rhythms of Rest To Continue As Your Church Starts Meeting In Person Again
I'm sorry to tell you but if things haven't already gotten crazy busy at your church, they're about to.
As churches resume in person gatherings, you're going to feel a pull on your time and energy more than you've felt these past couple of months.
That's why it's so important to protect your REST as you return to in person church!…
3 Ways To Worship Without Singing
As churches move toward meeting in person again, some are considering not singing during their services.
And honestly, I see both sides of the argument - so I won't weigh in on what I think is the correct choice (because I'm not sure I know the right answer)…
3 Worship Leading Skills To NOT Leave Behind When The Lockdown Lifts (Video)
Over these past couple months you've learned A LOT about how to lead worship.
Maybe you didn't even realize that this season of leading online has prepared you to lead better as lockdowns lift and your church returns to in person gatherings.
It's so important to NOT leave behind some of the skills you've learned in this season…
Worship Leader, Show Grace During The Return To In Person Worship
There is much frustration to be felt during this period of returning to in person worship.
Listen, this is a difficult time.
But, in the midst of frustration and uncertainty and discerning, don't forget that you are first called to love the people of your church…
The Return To IN PERSON Worship | 5 Things Worship Leaders NEED to Consider (Video)
Churches are so close to meeting in person again! In fact, as coronavirus lockdowns lift, some churches have already started to resume in person Sunday services again…
3 Ways To Engage Kids During Corporate Worship
For the time being, most churches have decided to limit direct interactions between members who aren't family. One of the ways they're doing that is by not having a separate environment for children during their Sunday services.
That means that YOU have the responsibility of leading kids AND adults in worship now!…
Worship Song Selection: The Wordiness Of Worship
How simple must a worship song be to be valuable in a congregational worship setting?
I'm not going to lie, I've argued for simplicity in congregational worship settings in the past as a valuable evaluation tool for whether a song should be chosen for a Sunday morning.
But, I've sensed a shift recently in what the Church is looking for in worship songs…